Over 300 million tons of plastic waste from the pet industry go into landfills every year in just the United States alone? 

#Reduce, Reuse, Ruff Ruff Ruff

Curious about our process?

Check out the information below to learn how we turn everyday pre-loved items into the PupCycled items that your pet loves!

Step 1:

Our PupCycler’s request a box from our website to fit their donation needs!

Step 2:

Once the donation is received, we do a thorough check of every item to ensure that it can be safely PupCycled!

Step 3:

We wash all items thoroughly to ensure that your pup is getting clean stuff.

Step 4:

Our staff make the necessary patches and fixes to the cleaned items to ensure that they’ll live another long life.

Step 5:

PupCycled items are added to the website and are made available for purchase by owners.

Step 6:

When an item gets chosen off of our site, we pick a box and send it to its new home to be enjoyed!

Step 7:

Our PupCycler’s can choose to receive and send Pupdates from the new home of the upcycled goods to the original donor.

Step 8:

Rinse and repeat! We consider that a job well done! Time for a treat… and a nap!

~ sniff sniff ~